Getting started

Getting started

  1. Take your EZ-ELD device out of the box. 
1.1. If your OBD diagnostic port is 9-pin, the device is ready to plug into the port. See ‘Installation Instructions’ here, or check the User Manual.
1.2. If you have a 6-pin or OBDII port, check ‘Changing a connector’ in the User Manual. Then install your device.
  1. Download the EZ-ELD App free from the Google Play store for Android devices, or the App store for Apple devices. If the link doesn’t work, search for ‘EZ-ELD’.
  2. Pair your phone with the EZ-ELD device. For full details see the ‘How to Pair your Smartphone or Tablet‘ video or check the User Manual.
  3. Check that the Back Office software is set up by the Fleet Manager or Support person back at base.  That generates the invitation email in stage 5.
  4. You will have been invited by email to join the EZ-ELD App by the person in charge of the Back Office software. If you haven’t receive this email, please contact your Fleet Manager.
  5. To access the App, you need to create a login account. You must use your invitation email to do this. Find out more here
  6. Find out how to use the EZ-ELD App for the first time, or check ‘Using the EZ-ELD App for the first time’ in the User Manual for full instructions.

You are now ready to use your EZ-ELD App. You can also use Scan and Drive to login.

Once you are set up, you can view/manage your driver logs, check for HOS violations and respond to DOT roadside inspections

For full information on how to start using your EZ-ELD device and App, please download the Quick Start Guide or check the User Manual